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Family Fun Day at the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival Comes July 29th!

Hi Everyone! This is conductor and arts educator Oliver Prezant, inviting you to join us for a fun and friendly exploration of music for piano trio by Ludwig van Beethoven, featuring Festival artists Ran Dank, piano, Daniel Phillips, violin, and Eric Kim, cello.

Do melodies have shape? Do rhythms have character? We’re going to try them out and see! Are there patterns in the music? Are the musicians talking to one another through their instruments? We’re going to find out!

Most importantly, though, we’re going to listen to how the music feels. Beethoven had A LOT of feelings, just like you and me, and he put them into his music. So, we’ll be listening to the music, and then, when the musicians aren’t playing, we’re going to be saying and singing, looking for shapes and patterns, and finding out how the music feels – whether it’s brave and bold, or shy and tender, or something else entirely. And then we’re going to get to hear these fabulous musicians play Beethoven! Are you ready? Join us on July 29 to get inside the music and to find out what chamber music is all about!

Admission is Free!

Young People’s Concert

Monday, July 29, 10 AM

St. Francis Auditorium at the New Mexico Museum of Art